Of Noble Kings Descended: Colonial Documents and the Ancient Southwest
- February 27, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Plaza Building

Join us on February 27 for the El Rancho de las Golondrinas Winter Lecture Series. This long running collaboration explores exciting corners of New Mexico’s history and culture as presented by engaging authors and historians.
Early Spanish and Mexican records may have much to tell us about the ancient Southwest. Those records, of course, recount events and conditions of their times, but many also contain startling information apparently relevant to older places like Chaco Canyon and Casas Grandes. From Villagra to von Humboldt, Dr. Lekson will review a dozen possible/potential/probable insights for deeper history found in early colonial documents. And contextualize these, in light of Native accounts and archaeological data.
Tickets are available through El Rancho de las Golondrinas at https://golondrinas.org/
St. Francis Auditorium is equipped with an audio loop assitive listening device.