Current Exhibition

Line by Line

Richard Hogan, Bosque #5 (detail), 1982, pastel on paper, 26 1/4 x 19 1/8 in. Collection of the New Mexico Museum of Art. Gift of Gifford and Joann Phillips, 1991 (1991.45.1). © Richard Hogan. Photo by Kevin Beltran.

Goodwin Gallery July 6, 2024-February 9, 2025
Clarke Gallery Oct. 5, 2024-February 9, 2025

Line by Line surveys a century of innovative, energetic, and intriguing approaches to one of art’s most ancient and foundational elements: line. The exhibition, opening in two sections, explores the language of line in work by more than seventy artists working from the 1920s to now.

Spanning a range of mediums – including painting, weaving, prints, photography, and sculpture – the art is organized into evocative categories, such as “A Line Alone,” “Land Lines,” and “Unaligned.” Visitors can immerse themselves in the extraordinary variety of linework, from pieces featuring a single line to those with grids, scrawls, stripes, and swirls.

The first section of the exhibition opens on July 6, 2024, with the second section opening on October 5, both on view through March 9, 2025.


“Primal beginnings: New Mexico Museum of Art exhibit explores the language of line in work,” Albuquerque Journal, June 18, 2024


To view more artworks in this exhibition visit our online collections here.